This procedure describes how a Training Partner (TP) can ensure Course Sessions are eligible for payment from their My Red Cross (MyRC) online account.
• You have an existing (MyRC) account with Training Partner Administrative permission level, and have signed in.
• The date of payment is on or after the course end date. (exception: online only courses require prepayment)
1. From the main menu, select COURSE MANAGEMENT, then Make a Payment.
2. The Make a Payment page will appear. Choose the course(s) you wish to submit by selecting the associated checkbox in the leftmost column. Then select the red SUBMIT button at the bottom right of the page.
3. After Submitting, the Payment Confirmation page will appear. Carefully review the list, then select the red CONFIRM button at the bottom right of the page and follow the prompts provided.
Alternative Procedure
Users can alternatively submit an individual course directly from the Session Participants and Instructors page of a Course Session.
1. Scroll down to the Session Instructors section and select the red PROCEED TO PAYMENT button at the bottom right of the page and follow the prompts to complete payment.
Successful Submission
Once a course has been successfully submitted, the Transaction History page will appear, and the Transaction status will be set to “Confirmed”.
Users can search for a specific transaction by entering the Order Number or Course Number into the Search field.
To view further details about a transaction, including the Course Number or number of Participants, select the red “Expand +” link on the left side of the page.