Does the Canadian Red Cross Accept Donations of Medical Equipment, Shelter, and Other Gifts in Kind Like Clothing or Children's Toys?

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Does the Canadian Red Cross Accept Donations of Medical Equipment and Other Gifts in Kind Like Clothing or Children's Toys?

In some areas of the country, the Canadian Red Cross operates a Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP). For information regarding donations of equipment or services offered in your area visit our health equipment donations page.

While appreciated, the Canadian Red Cross does not accept other gifts in kind like clothing or children’s toys.

We are unable to accept offers of lodging, shelter, and housing from individuals because coordinating the arrival and departure of affected people to geographically scattered lodgings exceeds our capabilities in terms of personnel and cost; we are committed to ensuring that the highest percentage of our donations is available to those in need.

Hygiene products offered by individuals are also regrettably unable to be accepted. The Canadian Red Cross has pre-assembled hygiene kits which, after many years of analysis and review, are standard items. We currently cannot accept loose or one-off hygiene items due to the complexity of distribution and replenishment. 





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