How do I activate and start my online course?

  • Updated

This procedure will show you how to activate and start an online course that you have registered for with the Canadian Red Cross. 



•  You have registered and paid for an online or an online/in-class (blended) course. (Not registered yet? Go to Find-a-Course) 

•  A blended course is provided by a Red Cross Training Partner. 

•  You have received a training registration email from us. 

•  You have created and logged in to your Red Cross training account. 



1. Sign in to your account. 

2. Select the MY PROFILE drop-down menu on the top left of the page, and then My Online Courses. 

3. A new browser tab will open with a Course Language Selection table.  

4. From the list of enrolled courses, click on the blue activate button that corresponds with your preferred language.  




5. A course language selection page will appear with the title of the course you have selected. 

Warning: Your selection is irreversible Select Yes or No.


6. The page will refresh with a new table at the bottom, My Online Course Menu. Click the enter course button to start your selected course.

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