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Canadian Red Cross
Certified Training & Quick Learning
Which course should I take?
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How do I find and download my certification?
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Which types of certifications are offered?
How do I recertify my training?
Do I need to demonstrate CPR in-class to become certified?
What is the minimum age to take a course?
See all 8 articles
Getting Started
How do I find and select a course?
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How do I sign in as a new user and create My Red Cross account?
How do I sign in and select a course as a new or existing user within my Company?
How do I activate and start my online course?
How do I complete my online portion or in-class course?
How do I reset or change my password?
See all 7 articles
Featured Courses
Psychological First Aid Training
Babysitter and Children Safety (Youth First Aid)
Tips & Tutorials
How do I log in without my social media account?
CRC Blog staff picks of articles on first aid
Do you have a video series of first aid on the streets?
Is there a first aid mobile app?
How do I buy or build a first aid kit?
How to respond to heat or cold-related emergencies
See all 9 articles
Payment & Receipts
How to pay for my course?
How do I request a course receipt?
What are the cancellation and refund policies for courses?
Resolve Issues
How do I sign in as an existing user of My Red Cross account?
I have not received a certificate after completing my course